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  • Rebecca
    November 28, 2022
    All are complaning about the bad quality of the mixture... You don't know the bad Quality, wich the german Musical Version of 1999 from Berlin has in the original Cast recording!!! Compared to this, the 2 Tracks of it wich are included here are amazing!!! The pure Music Sound and the voices!!! I wished the whole cast recording was made in this quality. And... this CD includes scores, wich where not included in the original soundtrack!!! For me as a heartblooded Fan of the Hunchback... I love this so much!!! I hope I can get the CD someday, I have only the Download version at the moment.
  • Robert Cioffi
    April 5, 2022
    Poorly mixed. The Vocals are almost drowned out And why doesn’ t this series use the actual film art rather than these inferior , modern interpretations?
  • Vlad Sicoe
    January 30, 2022
    I was very excited for this release, but there seems to be a few issues with it. For example, the "And He Shall Smite the Wicked" track is incomplete, it doesn't have the climax. The set also doesn't have the short "Heaven's Light" reprise. But otherwise, it's a beautiful set, with gorgeous artwork, and the quality of the music is amazing. Makes me hopeful that they will also release Snow White, for the 85th anniversary.
  • Kate Neil
    January 20, 2022
    Beautiful music, I love the artwork inside the booklet.
  • Manuel Ruiz
    January 19, 2022
    When I read that this title was about to be released I was ecstatic! Unfortunately, one of the last tracks from the soundtrack portion is missing (in the old CD it is "And He Shall Smite the Wicked"). Additionally, the track Sanctuary in this new edition doesn't match the real scene of the movie. I suspect that somehow an error of editing might had happened just before releasing the CD. This is very unfortunate since this is certainly Alan Menken's masterpiece. The only consolation is that I still own the old soundtrack on CD and I can always listen to the missing score track. I hope Disney Music Emporium will reissue the Legacy CD with a corrected version and offer a free exchange for those who already purchased this edition.
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